Latest Past Events

BUTTEYPAA Silent Night Silent Disco

Eagles Hall 1940 Mulberry St, Chico

Meeting starts at 7:00. Dance starts at 8:30. We have 4 speakers, 3 different DJs and tons of co-hosts!!! Come out and get your disco on. $20 suggested donation.

Willows Group Fall Picnic

Jensen Park 380 Elm Street, Willows

Willows Group Fall Picnic Sunday October 23, 2022 12PM - 4PM Jensen Park - 380 Elm Street Willows CA

Delegate’s Report

St. John's Episcopal Church 2341 Floral Avenue, Chico

CNIA 07 District 15 and 19 invite you to our Area Delegate, Jenn D's Delegate's Report
Saturday July 23, 2022 - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

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