BUTTEYPAA Silent Night Silent Disco
Eagles Hall 1940 Mulberry St, ChicoMeeting starts at 7:00. Dance starts at 8:30. We have 4 speakers, 3 different DJs and tons of co-hosts!!! Come out and get your disco on. $20 suggested donation.
Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship of Butte, Glenn and Southern Tehama Counties, California (District 15 Area 7)
Meeting starts at 7:00. Dance starts at 8:30. We have 4 speakers, 3 different DJs and tons of co-hosts!!! Come out and get your disco on. $20 suggested donation.
Willows Group Fall Picnic Sunday October 23, 2022 12PM - 4PM Jensen Park - 380 Elm Street Willows CA
CNIA 07 District 15 and 19 invite you to our Area Delegate, Jenn D's Delegate's Report
Saturday July 23, 2022 - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM